In November 2019, we presented the original production “Eli, Eli lama sabachtani.” The central story revolves around the suffering of a woman who is forcibly taken to a concentration camp, where she is separated from her beloved daughter. She strives to survive hell at any cost, with her sole desire being to reunite with her daughter. Unfortunately, the hope she clings to is deceitful.

Simultaneously, another storyline unfolds, set in a different time and space. A homeless man, who has lost everything, gets a second chance, coincidentally from a woman seeking solace in God daily due to her troubled past.

At a certain moment, these seemingly incompatible stories intertwine, but first, each character must endure their own journey of trials.

Script: Roman Budai, Miroslav Demín, Roman Budai Jr. Cast: Táňa Miškovičová, Alessia Vargová, Alena Demková, Vladimír Žák, Janka Feketeová, Veronika Mondočková, Fero Držík a.h., Zolo Szendrődi, Samo Budai Music: Peter Špilák Musicians: Nina Kristína Micháliková, Martina Ruttmarová, Zuzana Reiffersová Music Educator: Alžbeta Ševečková Set Design: Miroslav Regitko Directors: Roman Budai, Miroslav Demín, and the collective

Peter Budai · Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani?